Discover the world of plants in the family Gesneriaceae.
On the second Saturday of the month, we meet six times a year in person at the Emmanuel United Methodist Church The church is located at 10755 Scaggsville Road in Laurel, Maryland. Meetings start 10:30am. Our next meeting:
March 8, 2025: Propagation, our most attended meeting where we share plants, seeds, cuttings, rhizomes and get our hands dirty planting! Join us today and don't miss this fantastic and fun meeting!
Mar. 8th – In person Propagation workshop led by Donna Beverin and Barbara Stewart
Apr. 12th – no meeting due to conflicts with other violet shows
May 10th – In person or Zoom meeting, depending on Green Spring Gardens Plant Sale
June 14th – In person meeting, program TBD dog show :ugly plants) show or AV species program by Kitty
July 12th – No meeting due to the Gesneriad Society Convention in NJ
Aug 9th – September NCAC Show preparation
Sept 13th – NCAC Mini Show at the Church
Oct. 11th – In person with program on Streptocarpus by Andy Meier
Nov. 8th – Zoom business meeting, depending on dates of MAAVS convention
Dec. 13th – Holiday luncheon and meeting
National Capital Area Chapter of the Gesneriad Society dues are $15 per year. You can send your payment to NCAC C/O our Treasurer, Andy Meier via PayPal using the email address:
Please include a note with your name, address, phone
number & email address.
Membership includes our Petal Tones Newsletter every month, excluding months we do not meet. The first page of Petal Tones newsletters for 2025 are available on this website as well as all the previous years' complete issues. Just click on the "Newsletters" tab at the top of this page.
Annual membership runs the calendar year and can be pro-rated. Guests are welcome to attend meetings.
Board Members:
President: Barbara Stewart
Vice-President: Elsbeth Hamilton
Treasurer: Andy Meier
Secretary: Sharon Long
Newsletter Editor: Donna Beverin
Donna Beverin
Peggy MacDonald
Kitty Hedgepeth
Email messages can be sent to :
Hospitality: Kitty Hedgepeth
Publications: Donna Beverin
Propagation: Barb Stewart/Donna Beverin
Membership: Dena Horton
Ways and Means: Open
Show Chairmans: Jill Fischer and Barb Stewart
The Gesneriad Society is an international not-for-profit corporation dedicated to the study, growing and enjoyment
of the gesneriaceae. Membership dues are $25 /year for individuals and $26 for a family. Benefits include seed fund
of hard-to-find plants, reference materials, yearly convention, cultural webinars and subscription to the society's quarterly Journal "Gesneriads".
To join, visit their website.
Kitty's Sinningia 'Li'l Georgie'
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